The Open Space Institute of the US,
Sister Open Space Institutes around the world, and international colleagues
invite you to
the 16th World Open Space on Open Space (WOSonOS)
A conference in Open Space, for facilitators, organizations and
colleagues who use Open Space
San Francisco, California, USA
July 21 through July 28, 2008*
What Can We Learn / Teach / Explore / Share / Discover with Each Other
about our work in Open Space around the world?

*We invite you to a
week of Open Space events:
Monday and Tuesday, July 21 and 22, 2008
Open Space Learning Workshop
(separate fee, separate registration—open to the public—for more
information contact
As the WOSonOS is not a training but rather an invitation to explore OST
on deeper levels, we invite all of you who have not yet experienced
facilitating and using this method to take the Open Space Learning
Workshop, another Open Space workshop or have some actual
facilitation experience before attending this conference.
Tuesday, July 22, evening
Author Evening with Harrison Owen
(a free event, open to the public, donations welcome, please pre-register)
Join Harrison Owen, the originator of Open Space Technology, as we
celebrate the launch of the Third Edition of the fundamental book on
Open Space, Open Space Technology: A User's Guide—Berrett-Koehler Publishers, San Francisco 2008.
Wednesday, July 23, evening
Welcome Reception to meet old and new friends and colleagues
(included in the WOSonOS registration fee, registered delegates only)
Thursday, July 24 through Saturday, July 26, 2008
World Open Space on Open Space
for facilitators, organizations and colleagues who use Open Space
in the WOSonOS registration fee, registered delegates only—conference,
Wednesday reception, Thursday through Saturday lunches,
and Thursday evening celebration dinner)
Monday, July 28, 2008
Fabulous Facilitators lunch and conversation
(a free event, open to all facilitators, donations welcome—for more
information contact
A monthly meeting of facilitators from across the San Francisco Bay
Area—come visit colleagues in our local network and join our
conversation about group facilitation and group process
This week of Open Space learning, exploration, interchange and celebration
will be followed by an
OpenSpace-Online® event in September 2008
(WOSOonOS 2008).
The date and time for our online event will be announced later in 2008.
To share this invitation with your networks and colleagues of
Open Space facilitators and users:
PDF version of the invitation